Saturday, December 3, 2011

What a month!

I know I sound like a scratched record, but Will is really thriving, as we all are. He is crawling now click here and talking incoherently (just like his father!) and can sit up unaided. He has never refused any food and eats all meals with us - including curry, marmite, fish, chicken drumsticks and steak - despite not having teeth! He still feeds himself, which is far messier than his spoon-fed friends, but more fun for us all! His coordination is also improving heaps as a result too.

You can watch him eat here

Quite literally living the dream! We eat our on the veranda most evenings as the weather is so good, and spillage is mopped up efficiently by Bobby! Our boy has been successfully using his potty for number two's for two months now - we're so proud of him!

In the past month I have been made redundant, got a new job in a completely new but equally beautiful part of the country and have put our house on the market. We are in the process of trying to buy a section of land on which we hope to build a house... So a month of painting, DIY, job hunting and researching parts of the country we would happily live in has kept us very busy - life is never dull in this household, but this has been a rather exhausting time. Fortunately we have got rid of Sky TV as we don't have time to watch much TV. My home brew has tasted especially nice with the warm weather and after a busy day of manual labour! Banana beer was 'interesting', but oddly refreshing!

Our new destination is aptly named the Bay of Islands and is situated in the subtropical region of Northland, at the top of the North Island. I have a permanent job and therefore stability, and wont have to teach a raft of different subjects like I do at present. We are hoping to live close to the water so we can use the kayaks and swim more in open water... it really is a sea and island paradise with a lot of bush and hills inland. We have friends in the area and we feel very positive about the move now - particularly as our only family here might finally come and visit us now (luv ya P&S! x)

Will has been swimming each week and he loves chasing after his little turtle - he kicks and splashes, but is no Michael Phelps yet!

We still have much to sort out - we just pray that our house sells quickly so we can pack up and get on the road. It will be great if we can spend Xmas with Paul and Shirley and introduce our boy to them before getting up to our new home in early Jan. School starts at the end of Jan so a few weeks getting to know the area will be excellent.

I'll try to keep this updated more frequently, but we have had so little time recently. We certainly don't have a boring life!

Love to one and all, keep smiling and keep well.
Love from Chris, Bernadette and Willsy! x x x

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