Thursday, November 25, 2010

ITS A....


We decided not to find out its sex - a last minute call, but we both imagined we would find out during birth. All looks ship-shape and we were blown away by the clarity of the images - bones, bladder, brains and bum clearly visible!

It wasn't quite as mobile as we expected - it has been moving around a lot for the past few weeks - it made it easier to see it though!

Our friends agree that it has Bernie's facial structure

Bernie is coping really well still - she positively glows these days! School is almost out for summer - exams and marking almost over and a fancy-dress Xmas party tomorrow - my friends and I have borrowed a massive slushy machine to make iced cocktails with... B has enjoyed a few small glasses of Nelson's finest wines over the past few weeks so I am drinking for two... or is that three?!

It looks like I still have a full-time job next year - teaching maths and PE in order to bump up my hours which will give me a bit of variety... we have our weekly sea swim race tonight - over 140 people took part in the first race last week. The sea is already warm enough not to wear a wetsuit, but they give you extra bouyancy and speed so most of us wear one. See if you can spot a Whitaker:

Two Whitaker's here:

Not a bad way to spend a Thursday evening is it?!

This will be us in just over an hour's time:

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