Sunday, January 10, 2010

Summer Lovin'!

We have been busy since last posting. We moved into our new house (pictures in previous posting) with the help of my Mum and Dad (who has since been diagnosed with sciatica - sorry Dad!) We have celebrated Xmas with my parents, enjoying many BBQ's on the balcony and some very fine wine from the region! Bernie still managed to make enough time to produce some excellent jams, including Boysenberry jam - the fruit (below) are like monster blackberries and are twice as sweet and juicy... my Sister is desperate for some, but postage is steep!
Bernie's brother Paul, Sister-in-law Shirley and Nephew Bradley arrived on Boxing day and we spent a memorable week, getting to know our newest family member better... Until my sister Emma gave birth to a little monster they called Ben! He was born on 29th Dec and we were fortunate enough to see him on Skype soon after. Mum and baby are doing well - long may that continue!

We took Paul and Shirley to one of our favourite winery's - Woollaston, which is a short drive or medium bike ride away from home. We had a nice tasting session at the bar, before settling on a lovely Rose Shiraz which we enjoyed in the garden with the view pictured below:
Despite the guests and moving home, Bernie has continued to cook more cakes, biscuits, jams, muesli, etc than ever in her life - her way of relaxing apparently! Needless to say, all she produces tastes wholesome and amazing - she is an organic cook with a knack for perfection! I have taken regular time-out over the past few months on my bike, running or in the pool (I have a speedo tan-line to prove it - no pictures you'll be glad to hear!). I have had to upgrade to factor 70 sun-tan lotion, as factor 50 is not strong enough in our mostly sun-drenched climate.
I headed inland this morning to complete a triathlon which is a warm-up to 4 I'll be doing over the summer as part of a national series. Bernie has taken up a kitchen regime instead of training so will not be racing this summer - it was a long winter of training...
My race this morning was in lake Rotoiti (below) which is a stunning landscape to race in:

Bernie's parents are now with us and have picked up from where my parents finished - plenty of help with DIY jobs and getting our new house ship-shape! In a few days, Bernie and her folks head up to the North Island to stay with Bradley et al, I will head south for two of my triathlons with landscapes like the ones below to race in...


We both hope that you all had a memorable Xmas with loved ones and lots of laughs. We have been incredibly fortunate to have so many people we love come to visit us this summer - hopefully we will see more of you in the next few months and years!

Best wishes to one and all,
C&B! x x

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