Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Fun in the Sun!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Spring Honey!
I look drunk, I'm not! I always get really hot inside the suit... the taste of honey was sensational - a slight bitter taste to it which I really liked.
Making hay...
Further to this, I have had to buy another honey box and will shortly be spinning off two boxes worth of Spring honey from my bees. I have a new queen to introduce soon too as the current one is over the hill - I can still smell at the moment and I am putting it all down to being stung - I actually quite enjoy the buzz of being stung - no pun intended!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Merry Christmas!!
Temperatures have been in the mid twenties for some time now and thoughts of stockings by the fire seem a bizarre activity to pursue despite Christmas cards here depicting the traditional images befitting a northern hemisphere celebration!
Bernie, as you can see, is doing remarkably well, and is showing remarkably well too! Young Whitaker keeps bouncing around, much to his/her mother's delight as can be seen below (recipe in hand Liz!):
Bernie isn't knocking out as many as Liz and Georgie (her Mother and Aunt respectively) do each year, but she is working single handed due to me going for a blast on my road bike with mates instead of slaving away in the kitchen - horses for courses right?!
Tomorrow is the first endurance swim - a 2km swim from the beach towards the top left of the next picture, to the point from which the picture is being taken. In Feb there is a swim from the same beach, around the island to the right and all the way back to the far beach - 3.8km!

The garden is churning out more spinach, lettuce and Pak Choi than we can consume. Beetroot has been pickled, peas, tomatoes, rhubarb, broccoli, cauliflower etc etc all coming through too in various waves... I've still got a long way to go to match the steady stream my father produces, but I'm getting there slowly!
Poor old Bobby had a freak accident - so freaky nobody knows what happened! He ended up with a couple of dozen stitches and an inevitable scar - we think he wants to shake off the reputation his boyish good looks has earned him in the neighbourhood!
You can tell that Bobby-Dazzler (as uncle Mike calls him!) is having a great run-up to Christmas!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
ITS A....
We decided not to find out its sex - a last minute call, but we both imagined we would find out during birth. All looks ship-shape and we were blown away by the clarity of the images - bones, bladder, brains and bum clearly visible!
It wasn't quite as mobile as we expected - it has been moving around a lot for the past few weeks - it made it easier to see it though!
Our friends agree that it has Bernie's facial structure
Bernie is coping really well still - she positively glows these days! School is almost out for summer - exams and marking almost over and a fancy-dress Xmas party tomorrow - my friends and I have borrowed a massive slushy machine to make iced cocktails with... B has enjoyed a few small glasses of Nelson's finest wines over the past few weeks so I am drinking for two... or is that three?!
It looks like I still have a full-time job next year - teaching maths and PE in order to bump up my hours which will give me a bit of variety... we have our weekly sea swim race tonight - over 140 people took part in the first race last week. The sea is already warm enough not to wear a wetsuit, but they give you extra bouyancy and speed so most of us wear one. See if you can spot a Whitaker:
Two Whitaker's here:
Not a bad way to spend a Thursday evening is it?!

This will be us in just over an hour's time:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
All is Super!
The seniors finished the last of their lessons at school today, so its 4 weeks with a reduced timetable and planning for next year... cruise time!
The weather has been ace for some time here - so we can eat outside most evenings - like tonight, watching the pair of Kingfishers feed each other and go hunting as we tuck into our roast chicken! As a result of the good spring, the bees were doing so well before my friend brought them over to me that I had to add a second super (a box for honey to go into) this evening.
Fortunately the bees were much more docile than the day they arrived! I was a bit nervous - going solo for the first time:
The bees just sat there and I jiggled boxes - even pausing for a cheesy grin to the photographer... not that you can see:
Work done for the day, Bernie and I are enjoying a fine Nelson Chardonnay (B is only having half a glass!) and some home baking. I wish you were all here to share it all with us!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Oh Bee-have!
I have another box of supers to put on top next week - to be filled with delicious honey. The hive has come in time to get quite a harvest this summer - just in time for our parents to enjoy this April!
Bernie is still doing really well, despite getting frustrated with the occasional boughts of tiredness. She is out learning how to make various cheeses this evening so its hardly slowing her down! We were both thrilled to feel the baby kicking / moving last night. I thought it was last night's Pad Thai playing havoc, but put my hand on her belly and quickly felt several clear movements inside! We listened to the heart beat too when the mid-wife visited us this afternoon - we are desperate for the scan on Nov 25th!
Love to you all,
C&B x x
Sunday, November 7, 2010
From Triathlon to the garden!
Meeting up with so many friends and family in the UK was awesome and I wish B could have been there. Socialising helped ween me off the training schedule and back into serious drinking and not-so-serious conversation making - something I'd cut back drastically on before!
Bernie and I had an awesome trip to the Marlborough Sounds (see old pics - I cant be bothered to upload too many pictures tonight!) and had a bath outside each night after eating mussels and fish caught out in the bay. Bobby had a wild weekend with a dog called Earl - they ran around the land for 3 days straight - we fished with Earl's owners out at sea and watched a very white and a very black dog chase each other, play tug-of-war with sticks and chase each other again - they definitely had the better time, although we were a very close second!
School is winding up to final exams and B and I are both busy. Fortunately the seniors leave next week and after a few awards ceremonies, things quieten down. I'm looking for a new job as we have a falling intake and I was the last recruit... a few irons in the fire... we'll see.
Since B is still cooking and reading for a change (Go The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo!) it would be quite rude of me to bugger off training 20 hours a week so I have not got back into the 5:30am starts and lycra obsession, but have focussed my OCD towards making our garden churn out enough food to feed a small Pacific nation! We had previously made the front lawn a native bush area, but I returned from the UK to find more grass than native ever-greens! The 4 chooks are still doing great and churn out 2-4 eggs a day - depending on their mood:
The bottom of the garden used to have flowering cheery and plum trees, but the flowers / fruit were not up to much, so I borrowed a pruning saw and used it and my trusty axe, to anihilate anything over ancle height, before beginning our modest orchard, which now boasts a fig, orange, (a proper) cherry, orange, clementine, lemon and olive tree. I also have 3 plums trees propagating at the horticulture yard at school yet to go in. Our orchard is very modest - but trees grow like America's national debt and I'm sure we'll have fruit this summer... hopefully!
Friends of ours have handed on their trusty bantams which were bought to be cute and have names. I intend to buy fertile eggs and use them as an eating-chicken production line and for the record, I think they look stupid! There is a third, but it flew out of the chicken coop straight away, despite the fact we had clipped its wings... she might pass away a little sooner than God intended!
Here's Bobby - waiting to be thrown soemthing as usual! You can also see my veggie garden - 95% of which was a lawn when we moved in. We currently have spinach, silver beet, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflower, beetroot, peas, potatoes, celeriac, cucumber, courgette, melon, parsley, carrots, pak choi, rhubarb, tomatoes, basil, celery, peppers and artichokes growing in there... much more sensible than plain old grass... not sure where our nipper/s will ride their bikes though... there is a park 50m away fortunately!
In the foreground is the far end of the veggie garden (with respect to the previous picture) with the bizzarely located washing line... a thieving sun interceptor! In the middle of the picture is a gravel bed on which my bee hive will be located in about 2 hours time! First I have to carry the hive down 40+ stairs, but I'm very excited to become a proper Apiarist! In the background is the Bay Tree screen which I pray will stop the bees from annoying our neighbours!
This is the view from our verandah - the orchard (yes, I know its very small!) is behind the light green bushes - which are Feijoa trees produce heaps of bizarre fruit which have become very addictive - ever tried a Feijoa?!
We also have a passion fruit and two different grape vines as well as guava and a variety of pip fruit vines... our bees shouldn't have to travel too far to get a good feed! A new Beekeeping club has just begun in Nelson so I have been hanging out with lots of senior men who want to go to great lengths to explain their favoured methods and set-ups. Fortunately I have an ex-teacher friend here who is flogging me one of her 9 hives (she wants to down-size) and is happy to mentor me which is of great comfort as she doesn't mince ehr words. I have been reading up on bees, but am itching to get stuck in and learn the ropes on the job.
I'm going to clock out now. Love and best wishes to all of you from sunny Nelson... I forgot to write about my recent school trip when I got to swim with dolphins... twice... I'm sure I dont need to elabourate much further than that!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Towards the end of the Heaphy 5-day Tramp (hike!)
After 3.5 days walking through native bush and over some pretty sizeable mountains, we arrived at the sea on the booming West Coast.
We dropped our gear off at the hut and enjoyed the sun-set in paradise:
We had the beach, sun and sea to ourselves!
This was the Heaphy Hut, over-looking the sea and on the site of one of the earliest Maori settlements in the country.
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Phil and Margaret in Kiwi-land!
We met P&M in Christchurch with Margaret's Mum and Dad - they dont mind a drink or two either:
We had a sniff around Chch which is in drought, like much of the counntry:
We called in at the organic farm where I worked 9 years ago in a past life! Pru, the owner was as lovely and mad as I can remember!