Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our big Tramp (hike) in Mount Aspirig National Park

After a night in Queenstown (karaoke seemed a great preparatory exercise at the time!), we drove out to the wilderness - on the fringe of the Milford Sounds - to begin our 5 day tramp in the wilderness of NZ! Over here, a trampis not a white-lightening swilling box-dwelling hobo, but an idyllic walk in the wild!

Bernie, Paul (teacher from my previous teaching job in London), Georgie (new wife and wannabe gangsta) and I all with our own body weight of food and camping gear - about to walk into the mountains behind!

We did the Rees - Dart Track, which involved walking up the Rees river valley (behind us in pic), over a saddle, and down he Dart river valley. We also opted for a 2 nght stay in the second hut to explore the bush more deeply!

We found very few people also doing the track. Most people were non-Kiwi which is a bit dissapointing, we thought Kiwi's would be more adventurous than they are. The Kiwi dream seems to involve road rage whilst driving your V8 car towing a speed-boat full of piss (beer) and patties (burgers).

The walk was stunning. The following pictures do little justice, but thanks mostly to B's ever-ready camera, you have a small idea of the 5 days of real adventure the four of us shared together. Truly 'Happy Days!'

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