Saturday, August 29, 2015

2016 - the Endless Summer?!

There's a lot of planning still to go, but our mission is to enjoy a year of endless summer. Beaches, jungle, bush and more beaches are the intended destinations, as well as some cultural cruising... our rough route is as follows:

December / January here in sunny NZ for Xmas and the New Year:
In January, we hope to join our friends Phil, Margaret and Mia for a few days in Sydney:

We'll then head to South East Asia, the Philippines is the most appealing:

After a couple of months beach hopping we'll head to South Africa to see the Dupont's in Durban and wild animals on safari:

We then hope to hop to the UK at the beginning of June to see the Whitaker's and my favourite pub in the world - The Lord Nelson:

We hope to travel by campervan through Europe:

Before Flying back to New Zealand... via Samoa hopefully!

All that's left to do now is pack up our life and get some plane tickets! Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly!

Travel Time!

Two weeks ago, I sat down with Bernie and we had a conversation that kicked-off an explosion of excitement. In a five minute chat, we decided to throw away much of the stability we have created since settling down and having kids, for a year of action and adventure (and of course airport lounges!). We decided that I would give up my job; sell (and eat) our cows, chooks and ducks; rent out our six acres of heaven and travel the world throughout 2016.

We are lucky to enjoy an outdoor existence year-round in the Winterless North of NZ, but with our kids rapidly approaching school age, this seemed like the best time to reinvigorate our lives, see new countries and spend quality time with family and friends around the globe.

Fourteen days on from our eureka moment, I have handed in my notice, we've had estate agents round and our beloved source of milk, cheese and family cow chases - Milky the Jersey cow - is up for sale. We are trying to put together an itinerary that will enable us to make the very most of 2016...
 We really love our house and land, but it will be here waiting for us when we get back...

We cant wait to travel with our two little monkeys!

So, three months to sell all our junk and baby gear, pack up what we want to keep.... plus enjoy some of the Kiwi summer before we leave!