Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mily milky, very milky!

Bernie has been doing an ace job, milking our cow (called Milky of course!) most days. She gets 4 to 5 litres a time and has been making cheeses, every type of cheese you can think of almost! This picture was taken after dinner one evening, it beats sitting in front of the TV! Although we dont think that when the cows decide to run throuh the veggie garden when we move them, thats the time we think about the lovely steak we'll be eating soon!

Alright me 'duck?!

Our neighbour kindly lent us an incubator and supplied over 30 Muscovy duck eggs, but sadly none hatched. We have now got a breeding pair off her and hope to have more success with them... the drake was getting very affectionate in the box on the way home so fingers crossed for ducklings soon...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Back to Blogging!

We moved to a 'lifestyle block' 7 months ago. Six acres, cows, chooks, veggies and trees, a tractor two ponds and as always our two kids and Bobby dog! There is even more to keep us busy, but we all love it!