Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A weekend in Hamilton!

Apologies for the long absence of pictures and news. We're all well and have been settling in to life up North more with each passing week. Will and Bernie are getting into more Mum's and Bubs groups and Will is developing so fast now. He's walking freely now - still wobbly, but hilarious to watch! He also loves talking / shouting / singing which words cannot describe... literally!

We made the most of a long weekend to visit Paul, Shirley and Bradley in Hamilton - quite a long drive south, but well worth it! Click here for a video of Will and Neo the cat
 Will enjoyed his first fluffy! (Can you tell that B and I cut his hair - its a bit 'bowl-cut' in places!)
 And has an obsession with many things now, including balloons!
 Another obsession is cats and he finally got to touch them on a regular basis this weekend - he was so gentle and chuffed!
 Bradley and Will got on awesomely and Brad shared his gear so well - the boys got to know each other so well!
 We went to a kids play centre with heaps of fun activities...
 We fed the ducks on the river...
 And the boys became more closely united as the hours passed!

 We hit the beach on the way home
 Paul and Shirley were great hosts - we even had a night out thanks to Shirley's Mum Lesley and came back to Kerikeri with two avocado trees courtesy of Shirley's Sister Hazel and her green-fingered daughter Karmen! Here's to it happening again soon!