Friday, February 10, 2012

New camera!

I have a brand new camera now - thanks to the burglars... plus a new laptop, TV, sound system etc - it feels like Xmas in our house at the moment - but we would rather have not gone through this horrid process.

I have been taking more pictures of Will and Bernie than ever before - Will is a little more happy to post copious pictures of him online - he definitely plays to the camera!
Bath time is play time and he loves brushing his teeth - in between smiles!
That gummy smile is reminiscent of me circa 1986...

He managed to walk whilst pushing a box along the floor yesterday - completely of his own invention! He has accelerated his development considerably in recent weeks and fights sleep some nights as he wants to climb and play continuously - more challenging for Bernie now I'm back at school too.

I have some home work to do this weekend and had to pass up a diving trip to the Poor Knight's Islands (regularly voted in the top 10 places to dive in the world) and we have a St Valentine's party on Sunday with new friends - let the good times roll!

Love to all,

CBW xxx

Monday, February 6, 2012

Kerikeri - so nice, they named it twice...

We both miss Nelson heaps, but the above slogan - coined by a tourist a few years ago - is fitting for this gorgeous part of the country. It is home to the oldest building in the country - not far from where we live: The sea comes right up to the building in an inlet and there is a nice cafe and walks all around:
Will is developing increasingly fast - climbing up onto his feet at every given opportunity and talking / shouting at cars, birds, dogs and many other random things he sees. He loves to watch birds and mutilate insects:

We eat all our meals out here:

I've been keeping up with one of my new year's resolutions - hitting the beach much more often - it aint too shabby here!

Will is getting a taste for the odd ice cream:

And I've gone all arty...

Pic-nic time

How cute?!

In colour too!

I have began running again and always do the same ugly, boring route, along a crystal clear river, through native bush and ending up at this eye-sore... life's tough!

You can cheat and drive / walk to it too - unfortunately I cant push Will in his buggy through the forest so we drove on this occasion.

Its 29 meters high and called Rainbow Falls due to the rainbows created when the sun's out - hard to picture unfortunately - you'll just have to come and visit!

Going arty again...

As is Will with his creative eating! We have always let him feed himself and despite this picture, he is getting less messy... honest!

He obviously doesn't believe me either! Notice his top tooth - the one next to it is now on its way through to make it no. 4

Pointing and clapping are his two favourit e triecks - after shouting at things!

Our little Hammer is glad to see West Ham at the top of the Championship...

Opito Bay is our closest beach and we already love it - Bobby is allowed to run and swim there which is a rarity in this part of the country due to the large populations of Kiwi that live here - most places a no-dog zones - we can hear them from our bedroom some nights! Will loves the beach too:

Although he isn't brave enough to compete with Bobby yet!

Bobby and I spend ages chasing his ball - I win the sprints, but I'm ashamed to say that I get beaten for stamina these days and call it quits before Bobby Dazzler!

We have finally recieved all of our belongings minus what was stolen - new electrical gear to arrive this week hopefully - 6 weeks without TV has been quite good - done heaps of gardenning, reading books and reading the Times for world news... oh gosh, I'm turning into my Dad! We are looking forward to having the Whits and Wakefields with us in April - hopefully they will finally realise that they can live the dream too and book a one-way ticket in 2013... here's dreaming!

Love to all,

CBW xxx