Our William is 5 months old tomorrow and is thriving. He usually wakes once a night for a feed, but sometimes sleeps continuously for 12 hours, which is heavenly!
We have begun feeding him solids - this broccoli came through his body unchanged!
He doesn't sleep much in the day - he's only like this for 20/30
mins and then wakes and plays for a while:
We took him for his first swim
t'other day and he loved it. Despite the fact that we
don't have a bath, he took to it really quickly:
And began splashing like mad!
I have been taking evening classes in Te Reo - Maori language and culture. It was a fantastic course and I learned heaps. Today we went to the local marae and were greeted onto the sacred meeting place before giving a pepeha (speech) and then getting stuck into a lot of good kai (food!). Bernie and Will came along and Will was fascinated by the beautiful carvings and art inside - you're not allowed to photograph inside so you'll have to come and visit yourselves!
Bernie and Will sat outside - bottom right:
You take your shoes of here before going inside
We have also been giving Will his own toothbrush and he loves copying us:
Kat (a friend who lives in Sydney) designs sunglasses and sent us a couple of pairs - how cool?!
We went to the beach last weekend and Will and I enjoyed some raw carrot after a long Kayak (Will stayed on the beach this time but will be heading out in the summer!)
He made me an
awesome Father's day card (on headboard) and helped unwrap my pressie!
Here's Bernie on her birthday - we walked into town for a
Turkish lunch in the sunshine:
And Will helped Bernie open her pressies too!
Will now has a nice wooden high chair - he isn't too stable yet so only has short bursts in there as he builds his muscles.
Bernie has been persevering with
eco nappies over the past few months in an
effort to reduce the waste we produce. Will will be weighed and measured again soon, but is visibly growing each day! He still doesn't cry much and spends a good amount of time playing with simple toys. His favourite
past time is eating - from the breast and spoon. We are letting him feed himself which makes for more mess, but more fun! He is adept with a spoon already (see
vid on next blog entry) and does well with a little assistance.
Love to one and all,
CBW! x