Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Whitaker update

11-week old Will has been jibber-jabbering to himself more and more recently as can be seen here He is still lavishing us with miles of smiles (more footage here)and continues to eat and sleep well too.

Bernie is still an awesome Mum, making time to take Will on walks with the dog and a weekly session at the library where there are stories and songs for toddlers - Will is by far the youngest, but loves stories already - we read to him regularly - more smiles!

I have damaged a ligament in my knee playing football (boo!) and have a week off school with my wife and son (yeah!). I have a follow-up appointment at the hospital on Thursday and will hopefully be told it's not ruptured... fingers crossed!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Miles of smiles!

The smiles keep on coming in the Whitaker house down-under. Will can often be seen smiling mid-feed, which always brings about the same effect upon us!

For those of you who enjoyed the previous video there is another of Will playing on his play mat here

Mum had her first night out last night and I had immense pleasure in giving him a bed-time bottle whilst Bernie enjoyed a chick-flick at the movies.

We have started reading to Will... do you think he enjoys it?!

So all is well here. Bernie enjoyed a lazy day with Will today, which was a rarity, but something I keep encouraging her to do... I'm off for a shower with my boy - living the dream!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wonderful William!

Will continues to delight and develop beyond our expectations!

Here he is with his girlfriend - born two days before Will...

William weigh's a shade under 6kg and showers us with smiles - you can see for yourself here

Whilst Will takes up a lot of our time, we have been so lucky (so far!), he even slept until gone 6am this morning!

Living the dream,

CBW(and Bobby!)