Pictures are taking a lifetime to upload on this computer and I do them in reverse order, so here's the end of our recent tramp through the Northwest corner of NZ's South Island.
After 3.5 days walking through native bush and over some pretty sizeable mountains, we arrived at the sea on the booming West Coast.

We dropped our gear off at the hut and enjoyed the sun-set in paradise:

We had the beach, sun and sea to ourselves!

This was the Heaphy Hut, over-looking the sea and on the site of one of the earliest Maori settlements in the country.

Chris walking into the sun - too cold for a dip!

Nikau palms predominated along the gold sandy beaches. The weather was very fresh, but the sun, sea and palms made it feel very tropical!

Bernie having a well earned rest

Later that day we crossed the final swing-bridge and finished our 90km+ tramp... we later returned to the river to plunder enough rocks to re-landscape Nelson (a hobby of Bernie's!)
Taking in the beautiful river below:

The finishing line! Now who brought a beer?!